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Dill Leaves – (Per 100g)


Dill has copious tiny, yellow flowers and thin, wispy, feathery, yellow-green leaves and grows two to three feet tall. The seeds and leaves of this very aromatic herb are used in cooking. Dill’s interesting flavor has been described as licorice-flavored and as being a combination of anise, parsley, and celery. Dill leaves imbued with powerful digestive, anti-microbial, anti-flatulent, and cardiotonic properties, have also been used since decades as a traditional ayurvedic remedy for treating a host of health and skin conditions.

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The spice is used in a host of other dishes, including dips, potato salad, soups, sauces, vegetables, and breads. Having a natural affinity, dill is an excellent partner for fish, especially salmon. Dill blends well with yogurt, cheese, and makes a great wine vinegar.

8 gms Of Dill Leaves Conatins:
Vitamin A: 4% DA
Vitamin C: 8% DA

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Weight 0.1 kg


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